Hello and welcome to embellish*lology! I am so glad you are here!
Please, grab a cup of coffee and let me give you a little intro and show you around.
Why embellish*ology?
After 4 years of trying to do the mommy blog thing, I decided to get back to what I really love, creating. I already had my Etsy shop, embellish*ology designs, where I create party printables and some home decor & organization printables so I decided to just combine my blog and my shop to create one cohesive brand.
What is embellish*ology about?
Creating things and creating beautiful, fun and cozy spaces are things that make me happy. I wake up each day thinking about what I can make. Some days it’s crafts, some days it’s food and some days it’s decorating a space in our home. Creating isn’t just about doing crafts. We are all creative in one way or another.
With embellish*ology, I hope to inspire you to harness the creativity in whatever area of your life that makes you the happiest. You can read more about my philosophy under, ‘About Embellish*ology‘.
A Mini Tour of embellish*ology
While you are in the About menu, if we’ve never met (in person or on social media), please take a moment to get to know a little bit about me. You can also view my home tour posts too. I’ve gathered them all onto one page for easy navigation (more will be added soon).
I’m still working on adding to my archives. Some relevant posts from my old blog will be tweaked and transferred in the coming weeks. Until then, let me give you an intro to each of the menu headings above.
Under Decor you will find posts about home decor and organization. We’ve been in our new home almost 2 years but it’s still not completely decorated so I will be posting inspiration and projects I’ve been tackling.
If you navigate to food, you will find all of my favorite recipes. These are recipes that have either been in my family for years and/or are our current family favorites. I will have them broken down by category for quick and easy searching.
Here you will find all my projects and tutorials on crafts, decor, etc.
For those of you that know me, you know that I love party planning and have been designing party printables (among other types of printables) for a few years now. Under the Parties menu you will find featured parties, parties I’ve hosted/planned, party inspiration and party printables.
I hope to one day integrate my shop into my site but until then you can click on ‘Shop’ where you will be taken to my Etsy shop.
A Gift For You!
As a welcome gift, I would like to give you a free printable just in time for Valentine’s day. This print has cut lines for an 8×10 but you can trim it down to fit a 5×7 frame. (Click on the picture to be taken to the download page.)
If you would like access to the Printable Freebies archive where all freebies are accessible on one page, sign up for my newsletter and you will be given a password to access the page. Don’t worry, you won’t be spammed. The newsletter will only go out once a month and you can unsubscribe at any time.