I’m still struggling to feel at home in this apartment. No matter how much I bring things in that are familiar to us, it still doesn’t feel like home.
There are still always boxes in the “hallway” full of items that either need to be taken to storage (like out of season clothes) or donated (good-bye clothes that are too big for me now). I am also finding that there’s always something I need but isn’t here. All these things just remind me of our current displacement.
We are getting more comfortable here but it still just feels like we are staying in a hotel…or maybe a vacation condo….only minus the vacation. Oh how I wish we were on vacation.
Living on the second floor and having the girls doesn’t make it any easier. When we first moved in I thought we’d never be here but after getting the girls up and down the stairs by myself and to the car that I’ve had to park on the other side of the complex because parking SUCKS here after 5pm, I tend to stay in a lot.
Even though we are getting a “new” house out of this, I wouldn’t wish this on anyone.
I’m trying to adjust.
I’ve been adding my little touches around here. Recently, we had the opportunity to pick out some Thomasville furniture that the company donated. It was what they called “high-end” hotel furniture and it was the dark cherry/espresso color…the same color of the furniture we had in our bedroom. We picked out a night stand and a media dresser that we plan to use in our guest bedroom.
Another item we I picked out was a small table/desk. I had been wanting something in the apartment to use for paying bills and working/blogging (the dining room table wasn’t working) so when I saw this table, I thought it would be perfect! I set it up in our bedroom and created a functional office desk. I think I need a memo board or a shelf or two above it but it works for now.
I won’t be showing you the entire desk because there’s stuff shoved underneath it. If I ever find a place for it, I’ll post a zoomed out picture of this side of the room.
There’s no news to report on the rebuild. We are pretty much in the hurry up and wait stage. I’m no good at this stage. I really hope to have something to report next week.
**UPDATE: Our builder has decided he cannot take on our rebuild so we are now in the process of finding a new builder. We have a couple of meetings set up so far. Please pray for us as we deal with yet another setback.