I’ve tried setting monthly goals before but with no success but it’s Spring, I have lots of things I want to get done, and I’m feeling optimistic so I’m going to give it a go for April.
April Goals
This month is all about our outdoor spaces. We have a shed that we were hoping to turn into a playhouse before our girls’ birthday in July. That’s probably not going to happen but I want to at least get the next phase done this month.
Now that the weather is getting warmer, it’s time to clean up our patios & porches and break out the cushions for our outdoor furniture. Living on an acreage, we get a lot of grass and dirt blown up onto these spaces so it’s time for a good scrubbing.
Rounding up the project list for this month is landscaping. We’ve been in our house for almost 2 years now and we still haven’t planted any flowers in our flower beds. We had some things come up last year that kept us from being able to spend much time outdoors so our yard got a little neglected. This year I hope to at least get started on our flower beds and create a welcoming front porch.
As I mentioned above, our girls turn 5 in a little over 3 months so it’s time to start planning and prepping for their party. They’ve requested a mermaid party this year. My goal for this month is to start brainstorming colors and design for their invitation.
When I started this blog, I felt very organized and ahead of the game. Then, at some point (I think it was when we all got sick…for like a month and a half!) I fell behind and have yet to be able to catch up. I want to get more organized and have posts planned for at least 2-3 weeks ahead. Also, social media is kicking my tail…it takes so. much. time. so I need a plan for that too because seriously, I feel like I’m drowning over here.
Are you a goal planner? List maker? What do you want to accomplish this month?

I feel like April is kicking everyone’s butt! We were all sick for nearly 3 weeks, I have been working more than I had planned, so I am also feeling VERY far behind!