Tap, tap, tap. Hello? Is this thing on? Some of you may have been wondering where I’ve been. Well, I’m here to give a little update. Back in August, after my girls started school, I was ready to dig in and really get this blog off the ground. Then September came and life got busy. I was also dealing with… View Post
Home Tour: Move In Day
The pictures for this home tour were taken by our builder the day we moved in (April 2014)…before our things had taken over. I wanted to document how our house looked when it was empty and clean (lol) and to be able to look back at the progress once I started decorating. But first, a little back story….. He makes… View Post
Renewing my Spirit at Women of Faith
I know that you can do all things; no plan of yours can be thwarted. ~Job 42:1 It’s been too long since I blogged. Life just seemed to get in the way this week. I actually started this post on Sunday but just now got to where I felt I had the energy to actually write the words. We had… View Post