If losing two houses in tornadoes has taught me anything, it’s that everything happens for a reason. As a Christian, I believe that with my entire being. The odds of getting hit by a tornado in the same spot are slim to none. I even came across an article that said the odds were 1 & 100 trillion. I’ve always… View Post
The Damages
If you’ve ever wondered how a tornado sounds, I found a great example last week when I took my car through the car wash. You know the dryer at the end of the car wash? You know how it’s very loud and kind of shakes your car because of the force? Well, that pretty much describes it. Add in constant… View Post
The Events of May 20, 2013
We have now survived 2 natural disasters. It wasn’t and hasn’t been easy either time but after getting through it once, I know that we’ll get through it again. Two weeks ago today we knew there would be some severe weather. We were also aware there would be tornados. As an Okie, this is nothing new. That’s why we have… View Post