The thing I liked about making this keto version is that I didn’t have to freeze them to get them to set up. In the typical no bake cookie recipe, you have to simmer the ingredients together for the sugar to dissolve and so the mixture will thicken and harden. I did the same thing with this version and I was so excited that they set up as they cooled.
5 Minute No Bake Drop Cookies
So you’re sitting on the couch watching your favorite show and suddenly, you get a craving for something sweet! You race to the fridge, nothing. Peek into the pantry, nothing. Then you desperately sneak away to your secret hiding spot only to find that sneaky husband cleaned you out! Noooooooooo! Lucky for you, you likely have the ingredients to make… View Post
Heaven on a Graham Cracker
This delicious graham cracker snack will appeal to people of all ages. Despite being a picky eater as a child, most of my memories revolve around food. These graham cracker snacks were my favorite when I was in daycare as a young child. I have been a little surprised at how many people had never heard of this simple snack…. View Post