Well, it’s been a month since I posted my goals for 2017 so I thought I’d give an update. I may do these every month as I think it might actually keep me focused. I admit, I’ve gotten a little sidetracked because since that post, we have had 3 family members pass away (they say they come in three’s but… View Post
DIY & Home Improvement Goals for 2017
As I mentioned in my goals for 2017, we have a huge list of DIY projects that we want to tackle. We have taken that list and prioritized the projects that we would like to complete this year. Painting First off is painting our ceilings. In the past year, I’ve noticed that even though we have lots of windows, it always… View Post
Goal Setting for 2017
Well, it’s officially been 1 year (as of February 1st) since I launched embellish*ology. It’s not at all where I thought it would be a year later but I hope to try fix that this year. Even thought I’m not off to a great start (the past couple of months have been rough with illness and just life) I have… View Post