Well, it’s officially been 1 year (as of February 1st) since I launched embellish*ology. It’s not at all where I thought it would be a year later but I hope to try fix that this year.
Even thought I’m not off to a great start (the past couple of months have been rough with illness and just life) I have set some personal and business goals for this year. Some of these I will go into detail in later posts but here is a rundown of my 2017 goals:
2017 Personal Goals
Financial Peace
Other than our mortgage, we don’t really have any large debts but I’m tired of having any debt so we’ve really been trying to chip away at it.
Over the past couple of years we had some things come up that made a dent in our savings. In addition to chipping away at debts, we are working to get our emergency fund built back up and start saving for other things.
Before our girls were born, we were pretty plugged in to our church. After they were born, we haven’t been as consistent as we’d like to be. Our girls love going and love their Sunday School class but we have yet to find a class that we fit into. That is my goal for this year, to find a class that is a good fit for us.
Organization: While our home is not in total chaos, some of the closets, cabinets and drawers are driving me crazy. After almost three years being in our “new” home, I have discovered some things that don’t quite work for us and need a little re-organization. Other places have never really been organized so those will be on my organization to-do list as well.
Cleaning routine: I’ve always dreamed of having (and sticking to) a cleaning schedule. However, I have learned that setting a strict schedule doesn’t work for me. I want to set up a weekly cleaning routine that is flexible enough to work for me. I am also in the process of getting our girls involved with our chores and am working on some chore charts for them.
DIY Projects: Lastly, we have a LONG list of DIY projects but I want to create a DIY project goals list to have completed by the end of this year (more on this next week).
2017 Business Goals
These goals I have been struggling with a little. Family and home life have sort of taken up most of my time the past couple of months (as they should) but I made no time for blogging, my Etsy shop nor my photography. The extra income would be nice so I don’t want to give up any of them as I enjoy working on all of them. I think I just need to figure out how to integrate them all into one working business somehow.
I think for right now, posting once a week is more realistic for me. If I have a surge of post ideas, you may find me posting a little more but for now, my goal is once per week. Along with this, I need to get a good schedule down for the behind the scenes work for the blog. I may post more about this as I learn new things.
Embellish*ology Designs
Before I switched to printable products, I had a clear picture of what worked for my etsy shop and made a decent income. The reason I switched to purely printable/digital products was that having our girls didn’t allow me to spend hours upon hours in my craft room creating products. Switching to printable products allowed me more flexibility in that I wasn’t stuck in a room designing products. Now I could carry my laptop or a sketchbook around and design products which allowed me to spend time with and be around my girls more.
All that to say, I am still trying to figure out what products work for my shop now. The printable business is so competitive….especially with all the freebies that are offered from other bloggers. If there’s anything you’d like to see available in my shop, please comment below or shoot me an email. I’d LOVE to hear your suggestions.
My family has strongly encouraged me to pursue photography. I have done a few sessions over the past several years and I really enjoy it. My goal for this year is to get a good working business plan for my photography business.
Wow, that seems like a lot to accomplish. However, I think I can if I can just stay focused and take the baby steps needed to accomplish the big things.

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