With this Keto Meal Plan, I hope to make it easier for those who are wanting to get started or maybe struggling with the Keto lifestyle. In the beginning it can be quite a challenge to figure out what you can and can’t eat. These meal plans are simple and will include links to recipes (if available).
As a family, we typically all eat the same thing. However, I may add or sub certain things for my girls as I do not feel they need to be on a strict keto diet. I also, do not do strict keto ( I discovered I don’t do well on strict keto) but I am much more conscious of what I eat and eat keto/low carb most of the time. I do try to keep our meals as clean as possible.
Keto Meal Plan Week 1
Sunday – Grilled Garlic & Herb Chicken with grilled asparagus, raw broccoli and cauliflower and ranch for dipping, baked sweet potato for me and the girls.
Monday – Spaghetti with zoodles and green beans (organic whole wheat noodles for the girls)
*Tasty Tip – Add a couple of tablespoons of cream cheese to your meat sauce to add more fat and deliciousness.
Tuesday – Breakfast Tacos/Burritos
*To Ketofy, use a cheese or egg tortilla and stuff with bacon/sausage.
Wednesday – Farmhouse BBQ Muffin Cups & Green Beans
Thursday – Grab & Go – James has treatment this day (an all day ordeal) so we typically just grab something on the way home.
Friday – Chicken Philly Cheesesteaks – I use Swerve brown sugar instead of regular brown sugar.
*James and I usually eat no bun or I’ll make fat head buns
Saturday – Korean Beef with cauliflower fried rice