This homemade salsa is so easy to make. It requires very little prep work and is delicious and full of flavor. I am a chips and dip kind of girl. When I’m searching for a quick snack, chips and salsa is usually my first choice. Back in my college days, my roomate’s…
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Home Tour + Girls Shared Bedroom
This adorable shared bedroom was designed around some very inexpensive bedding found at HomeGoods. My girls, being twins, have shared a bedroom since birth. The plan is to have them share a bedroom until if/when they decide that they want their own rooms. Honestly though, I don’t see that happening…
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Gallery Wall inspired by Music
Creating a gallery wall can be as simple as taking inspiration from your photos and decor. Inspired by Music There is a wall in our current formal living space that used to be the TV/media wall in our main living room before our rebuild. When it came to decorating the…
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