I have been completely heartbroken over all of the devastation from Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. Being a victim of a natural disaster (twice), I have wanted nothing more than to drop everything and go help but I’m in a season of life where this is not possible. Because of this,…
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Friday Finds + Blending In
Today’s finds are all about soft neutral colors. I have recently starting to notice a pull toward natural or light wood and soft greens….in my clothing and decor. I just put together a fall centerpiece on my dining room table using some greenery and I think it’s the start of…
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Tips for Organizing Cleaning Supplies
When we were planning out our laundry room for our rebuild, I put in a request to keep our cleaning closet for all of our cleaning supplies and tools. Thankfully, we were able to keep it and make it a little bit bigger! It’s always been somewhat organized but it got to…
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