I kept hearing everyone talking about how it felt like Fall where they were but I was sitting over here in shorts and a t-shirt because our temps were in the 80’s. Well, Fall has finally showed up. A lot of our leaves are still green but they are slowly changing. The nights are crisp and I keep wanting to… View Post
Home Tour + Theater Room
Welcome to our family theater room! This is my hubby’s baby. We had a room up above our garage pre-tornado that was intended to be his art studio but then slowly transformed into his man cave/semi-theater room. When we rebuilt, he decided to make it a true theater room equipped with only the best (in our price range, of course)… View Post
Home Tour + Family Room
Hi and welcome to our family room. I hope you enjoy the tour! When we moved in two years ago, I had it in my head that I would post a tour of each room as we finished decorating. However, here we are two years later and I don’t consider any of the rooms completely finished. Even as I thought a… View Post