Back at the end of May, first of June, we went to Galveston for a family vacation and to celebrate our anniversary. We have been married 20 years and just typing that makes my jaw drop. Boy have the past 20 years flown by.
Anyway, on our way home hubby decided to surprise me with a stop in Waco; albeit a very quick stop.
Y’all, when we got within view of the silos I about lost it. I’m not gonna lie, my heart started racing, I might have totally forgotten about my children (don’t worry, hubby was there) and I may or may not have teared up a little. I mean, it’s like Disney World for home improvement/decorator types like us.
Once we stepped foot on the grounds we went straight to the market. I don’t have any pictures of the inside but trust me, it was amazing! When I visit quaint little boutiques, I typically focus more on the displays than I do the actual products and Magnolia did not disappoint in this area (we all know the products are awesome).
There were so many people there and I felt like I needed to hurry and look at everything before my girls started to have a meltdown so I got very overwhelmed but I managed to get a good look at every little inch of that place. I saw several things that I wanted but I just couldn’t make a decision on most of it (and I was trying to be budget conscious) so I only ended up with three things. I purchased two wall decor items that I talked about in this post and the other item was a Magnolia t-shirt. The softest, best fitting t-shirt I’ve ever owned!
Checking out was a breeze and much quicker than I had anticipated. It’s definitely a well oiled machine.
We walked out of the market onto the lawn where there were several families playing. Next to the lawn was a large covered pavilion with picnic tables and just beyond that was the food trucks and the most adorable picnic tables with black and white striped canopies. Oh the food trucks! The smell was A-MA-ZING but we had just eaten lunch so I didn’t get a chance to try any of it. The girls, however, got to try their first Steel City Popsicle. It was SO HOT that day.
These giant swings and planters were fun. I really want to do a version of both in my backyard.
From the lawn we headed over to the garden. Because we had been talking and planning about finally getting some landscaping done, the garden held my interest for quite a while. I don’t know why I didn’t get more pictures but I wish I had because there was so much inspiration. Actually, the entire grounds had me ooo-ing and aww-ing at all the greenery and landscaping.
These stock tank planters with the vines going up the lattice where one of my favorite things. I’m still trying to figure out how & where I can also duplicate this look in our own backyard.
And this window box gave me all the heart eyes! I mean, seriously, it would be a dream for me to have this much greenery….if I could just keep it alive.
Ok, back to the garden. The Seed + Supply store is very small but is definitely not lacking in cuteness. All of the products were awesome and I wished I could have come home with ninety percent of them. Out in the garden, she had a couple of these birdbaths with fairy gardens in them and I thought they were so cute! I’m thinking about making one to put outside my girls playhouse. I also loved how almost all of the plants were labeled so I could take note of things I liked. 🙂
After visiting the garden area we headed to the bakery. The line was so long and it was so hot and I didn’t want to stand in line with the girls because they had already started whining at this point (we had just spent a week playing on the beach so they were already exhausted). But I did get a picture of the outside!
So all in all our trip to the Silos was oh, about 45 minutes but it was 45 minutes I will never forget. Lucky for me, it’s a half day’s drive away so I will definitely be visiting again….probably with some girlfriends and definitely when I can linger much longer…..and take more money. lol