Tap, tap, tap. Hello? Is this thing on?
Some of you may have been wondering where I’ve been. Well, I’m here to give a little update.
Back in August, after my girls started school, I was ready to dig in and really get this blog off the ground. Then September came and life got busy. I was also dealing with (and still am) my Hashimotos Thyroiditis. My levels were way off which was causing me to be completely fatigued.
Then the holidays came around and since we usually host all of the Holidays, I was pretty busy with that.
The Big ‘C’
Shortly after Thanksgiving, Mr. Embellishology fell ill. He started having serious headaches…like migraine level headaches that just wouldn’t go away. I was taking care of the girls and being a caretaker for him. After a handful of visits to the doctor with no relief, I finally urged him to let me take him to the ER. I just knew something wasn’t right.
Long story short, he was diagnosed with Grade IV Giant Cell Glioblastoma. He had surgery and the tumor was able to be completely removed. However, this is an aggressive incurable cancer so the chance of recurrence is high with standard care of treatment.
We decided to go ahead with the standard of care which is chemo and radiation. Another decision we have made is to participate in a clinical trial that uses immunotherapy. In addition to chemo and radiation, we are also using supplements and the Ketogenic diet as adjuvant therapies. We have researched a ton on the ketogenic diet and cancer and are hopeful that this will help keep any recurrences from happening.
Mr. Embellishology is currently doing really well. If you were to see him, you wouldn’t know he has cancer. He has completed his first cycle of radiation and chemo. Other than some hair loss and a little bit of pressure (likely due to swelling from radiation) here and there, he has not experienced any major side effects. Hopefully a byproduct of our chosen adjuvent therapies.
What about the blog?
As a result of these events and because this is where we are in life, I will probably be posting Keto recipes (as requested by many already following our journey) and sharing a little bit of our journey here on this little blog. My hope is that I will eventually get back to blogging about DIY projects, crafts, home decor and parties as well.
If you decide to continue to follow along, I would love that! If not, I completely understand. My hope is that telling our story can help others out there who are or who may know someone who is dealing with a similar situation/diagnosis.
If you would like to follow our journey on Facebook, we have set up a group page where I tend to post more updates on his progress.